The New Literacy

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Profound changes in recent American history demand that college/university and high school students adapt or get left behind as leaders in the new global economy.  The required adaptations must begin in the heart and mind before they can be implemented in concrete, sustainable action.  In this presentation, Dr. Nunez argues for a fundamental re-conceptualization of the role of the American student away from outdated models of pupils as passive recipients of knowledge into pupils as active collaborators who take full accountability for their own education.  Reading deeply and transformatively, choosing to invest time in growth-generating academic pursuits in place of time-wasting, brain-draining, tech-driven distractions, and engaging in meaningful, self-sacrificing service are presented as key principles for liberation and leadership in the 21st century. 

What students are saying about "The New Literacy" presentation:​

"I felt inspired.  I am currently going through a process of transformation and Dr. Nunez helped me to push further.  I have learned that I need to take active ownership of my own education".  Zimari Perero, Student, St. Peter's University

"This information empowered, inspired me, and improved my self-esteem.  As a student and as a mom I want to be more proactive, prepare myself for the future, and acquire new ways of learning.  I learned a lot and enjoyed his interaction with the students.  Connie Falconi, Student, New Jersey City University