Stand and Deliver: Developing the Art of Dynamic Speaking

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In the 21st century, information is the new currency.  Whoever wields it most effectively will have the advantage in bringing their products and services to market.  Learning to communicate powerfully, persuasively, and in an engaging manner is now indispensable across every kind of business and professional endeavor. in this full-day workshop, Dr. Núñez teaches the essential principles of dynamic speaking in a truly innovative, engrossing way culminating in each participant standing before the group and delivering a five minute talk in the last hour of the workshop.  Ideal for groups of entrepreneurs, real estate agents, attorneys, physicians, educators and anyone looking to leverage effective communication for enhanced results at work and life.  From structuring a talk, creating memorable cold openings/closings, using non-verbals to complement and reinforce content, and harnessing the power of storytelling, it's all here in "Stand and deliver".