Books by Dr. Joel Nunez
“Dr. Núñez has an amazing gift of helping people realize that everything they need for success is already within them. “Get Out Of Your Own Way” is a valuable tool that will help you live up to your potential.” — Bill Young, Insurance Agent
“Dr. Núñez’s audio book “Get Out Of Your Own Way” has helped me understand and connect with the power of choice. Choosing the right attitude in the midst of difficult situations has made my life less stressful and more peaceful. He explains, “When we take responsibility for our choices, particularly with regards to our attitude, we take back the reigns of our life away from whatever circumstances or person we gave it to in the first place.” Thank you so much Dr. Núñez!” — Lynae McAllister, Sales Associate
“Some people need an eye opener to help them understand the power they hold within in order to achieve their goals and dreams. “Get Out Of Your Own Way” is an excellent push in the right direction! Dr. Núñez teaches the importance of self-efficacy and having the confidence and drive to execute required performance to achieve success!” — Rossana Lopez, Executive Assistant
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Sal de Tu Propio Camino - Audio libro
Sal de Tu Propio Camino - Audio libro
Escrito y narrado por el Dr. Joel Nuñez
Duracion: 2:05:55
Tipo de archivo: MP3
El Dr. Joel Nuñez, basándose en más de 25 años de experiencia como psicólogo clínico, explica cómo nuestras barreras internas, más que las circunstancias externas, suelen ser lo que nos detiene. Utiliza la metáfora de las "aguas profundas" de un antiguo proverbio para ilustrar que la sabiduría y los recursos están dentro de nosotros, pero acceder a ellos requiere esfuerzo persistente y la mentalidad adecuada.
Esta obra se centra especialmente en ayudarle a identificar y desmantelar obstáculos internos para enfrentar eficazmente los desafíos externos, descubrir su valor y liberar su potencial. Combina principios psicológicos con sabiduría atemporal para ofrecer un enfoque práctico al desarrollo personal y al logro de objetivos.
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"Sal de tu Propio Camino" y transforma tu forma de pensar y vivir.